Monday, May 23, 2011

Wellywood alternative?

I couldn't let the current controversy regarding the Wellywood sign pass me by without suggesting a caricature related alternative!

I think you'd agree its a little more creative than what's being proposed. The point is that Wellington is filled with artists who would all like to see their art form advertised for all international and domestic visitors to see. So whilst I'd like to see my stuff up there for the duration of the World Cup, why couldn't Wellington creatives be represented on the Miramar hills in such a way? Rather than littering the hill with 9 great big white letters, why not 9 great big white billboards? Every month the billboards would change to represent a different Wellington or Kiwi creative. Whether it be images that represent this month's Comedy Festival or the Fringe Festival or World of Wearable Arts. Wellington has a lot more to offer than just a try hard gimic.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Benji Marshall

It's been a while since I posted as I've been sulking. Firstly my huge Jonah Lomu didn't make the kind of impact at the market as I'd hoped, but then I shouldn't have expected too much really given the audience. The main reason for me having had a big, fat, pouting bottom lip is that I've been 'advised' that I can't sell any of my All Black caricatures! I can understand my calendar idea being poo-pooed, as licences have to be acquired etc. But apparently even if I held an exhibition and sold only limited edition prints and one-off originals this would be leveraging off the All Blacks brand and status. I've not been threatened with legal action or anything yet, but I think I need to seek some legal advice. Hopefully they'll be a kindly IP/Copyright lawyer who can give me some hints and tips in exchange for a caricature or two!!!

The good thing in all of this is that it's making me examine who I am as an illustrator and what I want to achieve, and the truth remains the same. I am a caricaturist. I love to draw and create and the thing I love to draw and create is people. All I want to do is be able to make a living from my work. I'm not seeking fame or fortune just enough to put a roof over the heads of my family and put food on the table, and maybe a little bit left over so I can buy flowers for my beautiful wife and an iPad for me!

So I'm gonna keep plugging away at these egg chasers, although this week I've switched codes and Benji Marshall gets his features celebrated this week.
